Personal Development Blueprint - Mission Statement

Word count:6116

hey there this is Leo for actualised gorg and here we're continuing on with the blueprint series going down the list and this is blueprint concept the blueprint concept that I call personal mission statement so this one's going to be pretty straightforward and clear-cut but my objective is to really convince you of the importance of it so first of all let's start off by saying what is the personal mission statement and why is it important what is it basically it's a document either written in physical form electronic form that lists the most important things about who you are so your values your life purpose it lists some of your top strengths it lists some of your elicitor zone of geniuses your zones of genius and it lists some of your top goals for the year so that's basically what your mission statement is and for me that's a one-page at most a two-page document you should keep it concise and short and sweet just as short as you can make it without losing everything that's essential all right so that's what it is why is it important and this is a really important part that I want to get home to you in this video it's important because it keeps you printable principle-centered right Steven Covey in his best-selling book seven Habits of Highly Effective People maybe you've heard of it I definitely go out check it out huge big best-selling self-help book but in there he lists seven Habits that effective people need to have so these are like seven master principles and one of them I believe the second one maybe the first one even is called B principle-centered that means you need to be guided by principles and not just be blowing around like a leaf in the wind right too many people out there are not principle-centered that means that they're centered in something else you're they're either centered in their work there either centered in their friends they're centered in their church they're centered in their marriage they're centered in some other relationship they're centered in seeking pleasure they're not centered period but the fact is that their Center is placed somewhere outside of themselves the proud when you do that you don't have stability you're not grounded right and we want you grounded in order to go out there create an amazing life and to be if both a creator but then also to be getting the things that you want in your life to do that both with career and anything in your personal life in order to accomplish that you need to be out there and you need to be enforcing and asserting your reality out on the real world on the external world so it's a matter of inner world influencing outer world but what is the case with most people it's the opposite they've got that flipped backwards it's the outer world that's influencing and asserting itself on them what they feel is dictated by the outer world what they want to do their goals are dictated by the outer world you know what they're doing in the morning when they wake up the first thing that they're doing after they brush their teeth and all that well they go and they check their email then all of a sudden it's the external world that is asserting its agenda on on your internal world and when that's happening you're not a creator you're at the effect of your life you're not affecting life and we want to flip that back around the way that it should be for you and the way to do that is to have a personal mission statement so this is how it starts now a mission statement now we're gonna get into the meat of what it means to have a personal mission statement first point and I'm gonna give you a format for exactly everything you need to have on it a little bit later right now though we're gonna start with how do you implement this in your life so once you understand the importance of it and you get a buy-in for why you need a mission statement here's what you're actually going to be doing to get it to function in your life because the idea is pretty simple the problem is that you're not actually executing on it that's the problem that I find with most people so first of all write it if you don't have it you've never sitting down to write a personal mission statement you're gonna want to sit down and do it and you'll know what to do because I'm gonna give you a full format for how to do it and it's gonna be down below in the article so you're gonna write it out but then that's the easy part after you've written it out you're gonna read it every morning as part of your daily ritual for five minutes so that means every single morning for the rest of your life from today onwards after you've written thing you're reading it no matter what no exceptions you're reading it for five minutes that means you're just going through you're reviewing it you're looking at your your purpose in life you're looking at your values you're thinking about a little bit but basically just kind of going down the list yes sure it gets boring you still have to do it it's important and you're probably going to think but is it really important is it really worth spending five minutes my morning doing it stuff yes it is it's that important you have to be personal setter that's one of the key principles that's the reason that it's one or two in Stephen Covey's seven Habits is because it is that important you have to start influencing the world rather than the world starting to influence you and the best way to do that is to make this part of your routine so just like you would when you get up and when you get out of bed what do you do usually go brush your teeth at least I hope you do maybe floss maybe you go take a shower put your contact lenses in put your makeup on whatever you got to do get yourself pretty and then you go to work or you have breakfast part of that routine as soon as you're done with all your shower stuff then get your personal mission statement in there as soon as possible so you don't need to do it the second you wake up I find that that just interferes too much with your with with personally my hygiene ritual but after my hygiene ritual the first thing I do is I read my mission statement I do it every morning for five minutes and that's something that you're gonna have to do you have to build a habit of it it's gonna take you perhaps 30 days to build this habit so give yourself 30 days those first 30 days it's gonna be inconvenient it's gonna be a bit of a pain in the ass but it's only five minutes so shouldn't be that bad it's a pretty easy habit to build do it for 30 days after that it's gonna get much easier yes even after that you still have to keep doing it you're gonna have a tendency even after the first seven days you're gonna be like well Leo I already know this thing by heart it's pretty simple it's not a complicated document I know all the stuff on here I memorize that I committed it surely I don't need to keep doing this just a waste of five minutes no you need to keep doing it this is about train it's about training logically you might know this stuff you got a train remember that elephant and Rider analogy you got to train your elephant you got to train your subconscious mind in order to be soaked in these principles these principles are what guide you throughout the rest of the day he's going to inform your decisions you're making this could inform how you're allocating your time priorities that you're setting how you're interacting with people how you're feeling your moods your emotions your thoughts so this is super super important even though it's very simple really you should be very thankful that you can get so much for just five minutes of work but don't take that for granted and slack off and say oh I don't need to do it just because it's five minutes it's reading a stupid little document no you have to do it it's important and what I really want you to do is to get your buy-in on this because the reason that you're not going to follow through on this entire principle of having a personal mission statement and by having it I mean you're looking at every day because if you just have it somewhere tucked in under a drawer under your bed and you haven't looked at it in five years it's covered with dust and spiders that's not gonna do any good that doesn't mean you have one to have one means that you're practicing reading it and you're looking over it you're reviewing it you're tweaking it every single day that's what it means to have one so unless you have one then you are not gonna be out there and creating your you can't really live your values unless you're looking over them especially when you start unless you've been doing this for years and you've just got a totally committed you're not going to be aligned with your values yet you're not going to be aligned with your goals yet you want to be reviewing your goals you want to be looking at your your life purpose you want to have that in front of you all the time it's going to be centering you it's going to bring you back to Center after all this stuff that's happening in your day because what happens is you're going to run through your day and you can get taken off course stuffs gonna happen maybe something that fortunates gonna happen you're gonna have a fight with your spouse you're on a problem with your kids your boss is gonna yell at you your clients are gonna throw a wrench in your whole equation and then you're gonna be putting out fires the whole rest of the rest of the day and you're gonna be frazzled and frantic you're gonna go bed go to bed then you're gonna wake up the next morning and you're still going to have that basically what's gonna happens you can be shifted little bit the extra in the world is gonna shift you from your Center from your principles and you need to bring yourself back and remind yourself oh I actually value X Y & Z my mission purpose my my life purpose is actually X and my goals right now my top goals are actually ABC you're gonna need that to bring you back to center so I don't know how else to convince you this really you're gonna have to struggle through it and the first time around you're probably not gonna believe me that it's important and after you study personals not long enough finally you're gonna come to the realization that you gotta train yourself and this stuff needs to be drilled into you and that five minutes every morning is actually a small price to pay for the payoff that you will get months and years down the road when your goals are accomplished you have a lot of discipline you have a lot of integrity you're feeling great you're living on top of your values you're fulfilling your life purpose and everything is working and firing on all cylinders for you because you've been investing five minutes every morning so that's all I'm gonna say about the importance of it if you still have concerns if you still have some sort of lingering argument in your mind while you're not gonna do this and make it a habit then well you got to work that out either get coaching for me or for somebody else leave a comment below if you have questions about why you really need to be doing this or ask a friend talk to somebody who really knows what how to achieve success in their life and they'll tell you this is something that's really really important get that buy-in from yourself it has to be important to you if you feel it's important you'll do it if you think it's frivolous then you won't do it so okay moving on to the next point I beat that one to death is should it be physical should it be electronic what kind of format I think that you know there's different formats especially nowadays it's even more than just physical electronic there's all sorts of electronic possibilities should it be on your iPhone should it be on your iPad should it be in multiple places should it be on your work PC home PC that's it it's electronic if this physical should be in a binder shouldn't it be on a sheet of paper that you're posting on your bathroom mirror should it be a fancy little diary what should it be there I think any one of can work probably multiple combination those can work it really depends on your own preferences here I'm gonna give you the leeway to figure out what is gonna work for you what I like about electronic and that's the way that I keep mine is on my laptop electronically is what's nice about is that you can edit it you can edit it easily because if you've gotten in some fancy binder and it's all laminated or if you've got it in a in a nice diary that you don't want to markup and erase and cross stuff out in or if you've got on your bathroom mirror how are you gonna edit that sucker and that's actually gonna be our next point is that you have to keep editing this thing because this is a live document as you're growing as you're discovering more about yourself and you will be you're gonna want to polish this stuff up what I found personally is that as I'm reviewing this every morning because I'm reviewing it so often I start to make subtle changes to it subtle shifts and wording I might rearrange the order of the values that I have I might add one new value I might remove one value so it's kind of like a working copy it's always under construction for me and I don't change it every day but I would say that at least once a week I will make a tweak on it small tweak here small tweak there sometimes I'll make a big tweak sometimes you'll literally get a you know a big something will happen in your life where you're actually gonna go and you're gonna really like remove one value and add a totally different value that you just realized was a value of yours you hadn't realized before that's important you want to be able to make those changes and you want those changes to be easy to make so you'd have to bend over backwards to make them and that's all I'm gonna say about that for me personally I like electronic I've tried to transition everything that electronic makes it a little bit more portable for me and the easy to edit but if you're into the physical and you're like how that feels you like writing it out by all means go for that but on to that next point that I was talking about is polish you want to be able to polish this thing and edit it and keep editing in it and you know make a habit of doing a little bit of thinking when you're reading down this personal mission statement you're gonna be reading down it and you're gonna be reviewing it but you're also gonna be contemplating don't just do it like a monkey and it can tend to become that way because it gets a little bit boring to read the same document over to get over and over again but you want to be content plating this right thinking about it is this really true is it really true that this is my top value is it really true that this is the best wording I can have for my life purpose maybe there's a better wording you know ask yourself those questions so that you can get you can get some answers and then you get more clarity all right so I just went ahead there and move my powerpoint up to the next slide because what I want here is I want to give you the format for the mission statement and for this I use the PowerPoint behind the camera so that I can give you all the points in the mission statement format so you have them right here you don't even need to go down is it the article to fish them out but they'll be there too so what is the mission statement format alright this is my for me this is like the magic recipe the one that I use and everyone's gonna have a different format for me this has worked really well so go with this one use it and then you can once you get a little more advanced and you build up the habit you can play around with the format for me it starts like this one is your general purpose in life what is your general purpose and this is going to be different than the second point which is your specific life purpose so for me I like to have a general purpose and a specific one the reason I do that because my general purpose this is the one that I make abstract and I make it such that I hope it'll never ever ever change so this is the one that grounds me completely this is one I can come back to no matter what I don't care if I had a bad day I don't care if I got a divorce I don't care if I murdered somebody I don't care if police beat down my house and arrested my entire family this purpose is gonna stay the same no matter what and for me personally it's to understand life and to experience life that is my general purpose and also I tend to be a little bit long-winded I have kind of a secondary general purpose and that is to put my energy towards creative contribution towards making something new and unique and contributing something new to the world so that for me is my general purpose and I can be totally confident in that that totally grounds me because I know that no matter what no matter what happens in life I don't care if World War three starts if there's a nuclear apocalypse zombies come up from the dead whatever I'm always gonna want to understand life that's always that's something that's gonna be really important to me and I'm gonna want to experience as much of life as I can and I'm always want to contribute something creative something positive and creative to the world to me that is the bedrock of who I am and what I'm gonna find important in life and meaningful for you that might be something different so I definitely encourage you to think about this you're gonna have to go through and when you're writing the statement you have to think about each one of these points and it can take you days weeks months maybe even years to really get to the core of what it is that your true answers are for you what your authentic answers are to all these points in the format but you got to start somewhere so start now rather than waiting for a year so point number one your general life purpose for you that general life purpose might not be to understand life maybe you don't care about understanding life I'm an analytical guy I like to understand stuff maybe for you it's living with love maybe for you it's about excitement maybe for you it's about I don't know you know going out there and being a thrill seeker an adventurer or maybe for you it's it's something along those lines maybe it's friendship maybe it's your connection with God whatever it is doesn't matter put it on there I think about it once you know it put it on there then the next point on this list is going to be your specific life purpose and specific life purpose this is a one sentence phrase try to keep it as concise as you can a short one sentence phrase about what you're doing with your career what are you contributing to the world how are you affecting the world maybe for you this is going to depend on what your job is and really what you want to be doing with your life creatively and how you want to be impacting the world for me personally right now this is something I'm still working on still polishing up my specific life purpose right now is to become an authority in personal development and to influence people with my understanding so that's what I'm doing right now right and it was shooting these videos writing articles etcetera etcetera that is my life purpose for you it's gonna be something different probably totally different unless you're doing exactly what I'm doing in which case you know if you're a doctor then you're gonna want to write something like my purpose is to heal people my purpose is to be the best cardiologist out there or my purpose is to be the best plastic surgeon in the world or if you're an actor then your purpose is to create the best movies that you can create or if you're a writer it's to create the best you know the best novel that inspires people or that a chance people delights people so this is gonna be career related most likely for you whatever your specific life purpose is that's point number two all right point number three is one word one word maybe two words for what you're mastering over the next 10 years this one is important because I talked so much about mastery and mastery is one of the blueprint concepts but mastery to me is such an important concept and all convince you of it throughout these videos eventually that it will be for you too and I want you to have what it is that you're mastering over the next 10 years in your life so again this might also be career related one or two things for me what is it on mastering personal development what does that mean that means that for the next 10 years I've committed myself no matter what I'm gonna master personal development I'm gonna study it I'm gonna learn all there is to it I'm gonna practice it I'm gonna experience it I'm gonna struggle through it and I'm not quitting I'm gonna keep going along that route for 10 years to just see where it takes me I don't care where it takes me I'm gonna do it for 10 years there's no quitting I want the same for you so what is that for you again if you're a doctor then maybe it's mastering the specific specialty within doctoring if you're a lawyer maybe it's mastering some aspect of law right if you're a writer it's going to be mastering the craft of writing if you're a teacher it's gonna be mastering maybe public speaker or teaching in some fashion whatever it is if you're a street sweeper and that's where you're gonna be for the next 10 years then it's going to be knowing and mastering how to sweep streets you know I don't care what it is whatever it is that you find that you have a passion and something that's going to be important for you something that you can commit to for 10 years and something where there's enough that you can sink your teeth into it and study it and learn it and really become excellent at it so what is that for you that's point number three you're gonna put it on your list and just one or two words as all you need you don't even need a sentence for that for me it's personal development all right the next thing on your list is going to be your top ten values so values is a deep topic I'm not even going to scratch the surface of it here all I'm gonna say is that once you do know your ten values then you're gonna write them down in order of most important to least important just single words maybe two words if you have a value that requires two words to describe it I talk about values in other videos values is actually a another blueprint concept because they are super super important so I talked about Values Clarification how to go through all that in another video but here just the top ten values that you've got just to give you some idea of what my values are just kind of rattling off what I can remember from my list it's number one it's understanding number two its consciousness number three is creating number four is independence number five is uniqueness number six is excellence number seven is I'm you know rusty is is health then there's also Beauty is on the list accomplishment is on the list and self discipline and self-control or on the list so that's my list of values and I actually think I have probably like 11 or 12 of them not just 10 see I come up with this format so I'm special I get to break the rules only for myself but yeah once you got your 10 values write them down and then you'll be going through and reordering in them and shuffling them and tweaking the words on it as you're reading through this list every day so your top 10 values and then of course the next point moving down the list is going to be your top five feelings the top five feelings are going to be five words usually adjectives for how you like to feel the best feeling that you could feel in your life so if you have the ideal life how would it feel to you in five words for me that's something like and I'm still refining this because I I tend to be choose picky and indecisive here for me I have more than five right now but I'm a hone it down so right now definitely proud is one of them excited is another one optimistic is another one calm is another one calm is in tranquil serene those are some of the adjectives for it what else do I have on there strong feeling a feeling of strength that you get also disciplined I love the feeling of being disciplined being on top of everything and energetic I love having energy I love feeling well rested and good in my body so those are some of the ways that I like to feel so have five adjectives for you that are the most important those are gonna be important to ground your goals and everything else because those feelings are ultimately what is making you fulfilled in life so you're gonna have that and then going down the list is you're gonna have your top five strengths now what are these these top five strikes you can get by going to authentic happiness calm which is Martin Seligman's site he's kind of the founder of the positive psychology movement he's a psychologist researcher who studies fulfillment of happiness and he has a website called authentic happiness calm it's kind of associated with the University that he works at and there there's a bunch of different assessments you can take and you can take the character strengths assessment and when you're done taking this it's all online is free go ahead and do it'll take you 30 minutes or something pretty pretty easy to do it's gonna pop out five-year greatest human strengths there's like a list of 50 of them or something I forget exactly how many and it'll choose the five that are most correlated with with the the way that you answer those questions and for me those ended up being something like number one is critical thinking and open-mindedness that's one strength they tend to have like a wordy description then the second one came out to be creativity and on Genuity ingenuity and an originality so that's the second one the third one came out as something like compassion the fourth one was wisdom the fifth one was like a love of learning and I have like a sixth and seventh actually on my list so love of learning wisdom I forget the rest but it's on there that's why I had this list I can remember the top five and then so you can have those strengths and those are gonna ground you because those strengths are the things that you want to be living on a day-to-day level this is the stuff that you want to be putting your best foot forward at in work for example in career is living these strengths and you want to find a way to get those strengths also playing parts and your personal life and your hobbies and your relationships other things you're doing outside of career so that's going to be the point about strengths and then going down the list is you're gonna have the zones of genius so this comes from the book the big leap by gay Hendricks there he talks about what it means to be living from your zone of genius and you have some questions there and he lets you figure out what your zones of genius are I talk about that in other videos so I'm not gonna help you identify them here but once you know what your zones of genius are you can list them there however many there are for you for me right now there's three one is big-picture thinking two is oh god what does my son is genius number two is so yeah big-picture thinking and then it's about conveying people and helping them understand so basically a form of persuasion is number two and number three for me is quality controlling the quality of products and services that I put out there so those are my three Drizella genius and those are great because again this is this is kind of where you want to be working out of is out of your zones or genius and bringing them again into all aspects of your life whether in business and career most definitely but then also if you can make them work in your personal life and your your relationships family life also good and then finally what you're going to have at the end of your personal mission statement document is you're going to have your top goals for the year so what do you want to accomplish this here list them in the order of most important to least important and how many of these goals I would say 5 maybe 10 kind of depends probably keep it to about 10 goals you can't list every goal for the year identify that you probably want a separate document for that but here because you're reading this mission statement every day especially in the morning when you're just starting right before you go to work knowing your top five or 10 goals is important it's gonna it's gonna subtly shift the way that you're moving and creating your day and the things that you're prioritizing in your day because those goals are gonna be at the top of your mind especially because you just finished reading the statement you finish reading those 10 goals and that's gonna that's gonna set you up for success and then also those goals you're gonna spend quite a bit of time polishing up and editing those because goals tend to well first you tend to accomplish them and so you might want to cross them off the list and put new goals on there as you're getting new goals they might displace the other ones that were on there sometimes goals when you write them down they just fall off your radar because you no longer want them after a certain while that's kind of crazy a crazy phenomenon belt just basically accomplishing gold but not even going out there and accomplishing and achieving them simply by losing your desire to chase after them and that can be a really powerful thing so that about does it that's the whole format for the personal mission statement if you had a fall trouble falling along and remembering all that you can find it down below in the article I write more you can find it on actualised org slash blueprint and then find the concept called personal mission statement so that about does it I hope you're convinced about the importance of this I hope you can see that if you're going through and you're looking every day every morning for five minutes at your general purpose in life your specific life purpose what you're mastering your top ten values your top five feelings your top five strengths your zones of genius and your top goals for the year think about that this is like the core of who you are what you want what you want your life to be when you've got this straight in your mind and you're very clear on it and you're looking at it every single day you're going to want to go out there take action on it what motivates you this is what charges you up this is what keeps you grounded when the world around you crazy stuff is happening you go back to this you Center on it it centers you at Ground Zero calms you down it gets your mind thinking about what's ultimately most important what you want to create and this is how you are becoming principle-centered this is how you take what Stephen Covey talks about and you turn it into an actual force in your life is you spend five minutes every morning doing it no matter what no excuses no exceptions I don't care if it's boring I don't care what it's worth it if you want to be successful if you want to have a lot of money if you want to have awesome relationships if you want to be living an exciting life if you want to be that living that kind of life that's aligned with your top 10 values if you want to be living in your top 5 strengths if you want to be living in your zone of genius if you want to be accomplishing your top 10 goals for the year if you want to be mastering something powerful and important if you want to be living your life purpose and you want to be feeling your top 5 feelings then you should probably review those once in a while don't you think all right that's gonna do it thanks for listening sleeo signing off go ahead leave your comments down below I'd like to hear what you think about this and how it's been working for you and go ahead and share you